OSX Lion Windows Driving You Nuts?
When it comes to my laptop, I'm a bit of a control freak. I live or die professionally because of this machine.
I've been very happy with the OSX Lion upgrade, except I was missing a lot of controls in the Finder windows.
By default, your windows will look like this...
Or like this (depending on your previous preferences).
The key is to go under the view menu and turn on several options:
- Show Path Bar
- Show Status Bar
- Show Sidebar
Now your windows will look like this.:
Much greater control. You can quickly switch between common folders with the sidebar. You can also drag items into the sidebar to add them. You can also press Command , or choose Finder > Preferences (when in the Finder) to customize windows more.
Along the bottom you see a clear path of where you are working. Importantly for me is a status of how full a drive is getting. When working with videos and photos its easy to overfill a drive (which can lead to major performance issues or corruption). I try to leave 10% of a hard drive free at all times. If I get to 5% I start removing things to backup.
While I'm at it, here's a useful tip to switch folders. If you command-click on a folder name, you'll get the whole path. You can now switch to a parent directory very quickly. If viewing the Path Bar you can also click in the string to switch folders.
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