Richard Harrington | Exploring the fusion of photo, video and AI

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Free Photoshop CS5 Online Class

I recently did a free one hour class on what's new in Photoshop CS5. You can watch or download it here. Thanks to Peachpit for sponsoring this class.

Join author and instructor Richard Harrington for an overview of the new features in Photoshop CS5 and how his book, Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS5 and its accompanying video training on DVD, can be used effectively in the classroom.

Richard Harrington is a former faculty member of the Art Institute of Washington and adjunct faculty member at the American University. He is also the founder of RHED Pixel, a visual communications company based in Washington, D.C. A graphic design and new media expert, he has written several books including Photoshop for Video and From Still to Motion: A photographer's guide to creating video with your DSLR . He is an Adobe and Apple certified trainer and a National Association of Photoshop Professionals Dream Team Instructor. He produces the popular podcast Understanding Adobe Photoshop available on both iTunes and the Adobe TV.