New Podcasts focusses On Software

It was a proud day at RHED Pixel (my office). One of our new podcasts made the front page of iTunes. On Software focusses on how software is developed, and features interviews with the creative folks who design and program the tools we all love.

(It's not every day that you're grouped with a presidential candidate, CNN, and PBS)

OnSoftware—Each week, we will talk to some of the software industry's leading developers about a wide range of programming and development issues. Our interviews include talks with Java Puzzlers author Josh Bloch, C++ Inventor author Bjarne Stroustrup, and Java Concurrency in Practice author Brian Goetz to name just three. With discussions on topics ranging from the future of C++ and Concurrency and value driven software development to Design Patterns, Agile Estimating and Planning, Iterative Development, Generics, and language compatibility, we have something for technical professionals working in every part of the industry.
Is it technical... yup. But I still think you'll find it