I know a lot of folks who are hesitant to upgrade.... I admit, I've been burned by installing updates as soon as they come out... but hey, that's why I'm an early adopter. The latest Mac update looks to include several important bug fixes and enhancements. Here's a few that tip the scale in favor of installing.
- Addresses an issue with stuttering video and audio playback in certain USB devices.
- Fixes an issue in which certain attached hard drives may not show up in the Finder.
- Includes additional RAW image support for several cameras.
- Improves 802.1X behavior and reliability.
- Improves reliability when using Time Capsule.
- Fixes reliability issues with authenticated RSS feeds.
- Addresses compatibility issues with Aperture 2.
- Addresses reliability issues when performing a full restore from a Time Machine backup.
You can access the update through your Apple Menu.... I’ve been running it for several days and all seems happy. Additionally, several new pro digital cameras were added for Raw support.