I recently had the Archive utility on my Mac go bonkers. Double-click on any zip archive or download a file from the net and it just sat there spinning. Fortunately I have good friends who are geekier than me. Thanks to Jeff Greenberg (https://twitter.com/filmgeek) I'm up an running again. Thought I'd share in case its happened to you.
- In the Mac Finder, hold down the Option key.
- Click the Go Menu and choose Library.
- In the search field, enter the text com.apple.archiveutility.plist.
- Narrow the search results to just your library.
- Trash one or both files that are named com.apple.archiveutility.plist.
- Launch Disk Utility (in your Utilities folder).
- Select your hard drive.
- Click Repair Permissions.
- When it finishes, reboot.
- Problem solved.