I have now made the leap to a new digital camera. I have been very happy with my Nikon D70 (albeit it's a few years old), but I have desired a smaller camera that I could keep in my laptop bag for the many trips I take. The thought being that carrying a full bag of lenses and camera parts isn't always going to be practical.
I was about ready to give up my shopping quest (don't even get me started on the in store people who tried to convince me that I didn't need to shoot Camera Raw). But some research and photography buddies turned me onto Leica camera. I have purchased (but not yet received) what I think to be the perfect camera for my needs.
The Leica D-LUX 3 offers a superb amount of pro features in a small package:
- 10-megapixel CCD (18 x 24-inch prints)
- Shoot both RAW and JPEG
- Manual setting options (focus, aperture, ISA, bracketing)
- High-quality lens takes (equivalent to 28 mm - 112 mm)
- Ability to shoot three aspect ratios (4:3 - 3:2 - 16:9)
- Optical stabilization and fast processing (burst 1 fps)
- High-quality aluminum housing
- Video Record HD 720P @ 15 fps & SD @ 30 fps in QuickTime
- Choice between automatic or manual ISO 100, ISO 200, ISO 400, ISO 800 or ISO 1600.
- Includes full copy of Photoshop Elements
The cameras are back ordered due to popularity, so you'll need to allow a few weeks to get yours (I'm still anxiously waiting).