Whether you're publishing a podcast or an app, you'll be found in one of three ways on the iTunes store. Understanding how these methods work will improve your chances at success.
1. Search
The iTunes Store contains a search field. Results are returned based on popularity and relevance. Popularity relates to the number of new subscribers you’ve had in a given period (which is an uncontrollable factor). Relevance is due largely to your show’s description and keywords (which you have complete control over). Be sure to write an accurate description that addresses your show’s topic. You can also use keywords to address misspellings or additional search criteria.
2. Featured Content
The iTunes Store routinely features content. There are several factors that contribute to a show being featured. First and foremost, the quality of content is considered. Second, your show must have attractive artwork (which does not include Apple items like logos or iPods). The staff at the iTunes Store also favor shows with consistent content that is released regularly (e.g., weekly or daily). It should also go without saying that your feed needs to be valid, so periodically check it at www.feedvalidator.org.
3.Top Lists
On each page of the iTunes Store there is a “Top List.” These lists showcase the top shows in each category. Making these lists is based on new subscriptions. We often recommend launching a show with four episodes (simply pre-date the first three to offset their “release”). This way a new show offers visitors multiple options. This initial surge can help you make a splash. Once you are on a Top List, it is essential you maintain your release schedule and quality. Staying on a Top List is very helpful, as it makes it much easier for visitors to discover your show.