My Presentation from the National Press Club on Podcasting

What is a podcast and how can it help my organization reach people online?

At this month's "Get It Online" lunch discussion, learn what a podcast is and why both communicators and journalists are increasingly using them to successful reach niche audiences. This informative session will share secrets on creating professional looking video for podcasting and other video-sharing technologies.

Podcasting is another name for audio and video blogging. The general idea is that you post audio or video content that someone can subscribe to. You are essentially creating a channel, one that you add audio, video, or print content to so it can be automatically downloaded to a subscribers’ computer or media player. All of this can occur without the need for email blasts, people logging onto websites, or expensive shipping bills.

Additionally, podcasting is much more affordable than streaming and web video options. Podcasting uses a distributed model, so instead of everyone coming to your website and clicking (then wanting to watch the video at the same time), podcasts download in the background automatically. This means that podcasts are there, waiting to be watched whenever and wherever the consumer wants them.